橙默开箱:HotToys 1/6 机械战警/RoboCop墨菲警官-合金发声版 机械椅套装

HotToys「合金系列」1/6 机械战警/RoboCop墨菲警官-合金发声版人偶于近日出货,包含单人版(官方零售价1550元)以及机械椅套装 (官方零售价2300元)两款,人偶全高30cm。为大家带来@橙默是柑 的开箱实拍!

“Drop the gun, you are under arrest.”(把槍丟掉!你被捕了!)
“Thank you for your cooperation. Goodnight.”(謝謝您的合作!晚安!)
“Stay out of trouble!”(離開別惹麻煩!)
“Dead or alive, you are coming with me.”(無論死活我都要把你逮捕歸案!)
“Come quietly or there will be…trouble.”(安靜點靠過來,被發現就麻煩了)
“Serve the public trust. Protect the innocent. Uphold the law.”(服務大眾、保護無辜人民、捍衛法律)

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