美国雕塑师Dug Stanat从90年代初期开始进行雕塑创作,以陶瓷以及混合材料为材质,创作全身像或胸像雕塑!灵感来自生物、怪物,融合鬼魂题材,他的作品旨在营造一个不为人道的故事氛围,风格怪诞诡异,引人入胜。

A Bird From His Brim Will Guide Your Last Breath
©2014 Dug Stanat, mixed media and acrylic, 20”x10”x8”

The Blind Who Are Not
©2015 Dug Stanat, mixed media and acrylic, 62 x 27 x 17 cm

What Rides the Cold Breeze
©2015 Dug Stanat, mixed media and acrylic, 26 x 10 x 10 cm

sketch ceramics 小型雕像作品多款,售价$60 – $200美元不等

The Commissar
©2015 Dug Stanat, stoneware, 23 x 11 x 7 cm


The Conductor
©2015 Dug Stanat, mixed media and acrylic, 70 x 27 x 16 cm

Ectoplasm = mc2
©2014 Dug Stanat, mixed media and acrylic, 30 x 15 x 7 cm

A Fog No Gaze Can Pierce
©2014 Dug Stanat, stoneware, 10”x7”x5”

Meeting Master Jones
©2015 Dug Stanat, mixed media and acrylic, 72 x 31 x 33 cm

The Pact, Part 1 and 2
©2015 Dug Stanat, stoneware, 17 x 7 x 5 cm & 13 x 8 x 4 cm

What Happens in the Pentagram, Stays in the Pentagram
©2015 Dug Stanat, mixed media and acrylic, 28 x 9 x 8 cm

©2015 Dug Stanat, stoneware, 17 x 9 x 6 cm

When Raven Calls Mischief
©2015 Dug Stanat, mixed media and acrylic, 27 x 23 x 14 cm

Red Head
©2014 Dug Stanat, mixed media and acrylic, 44 x 12 x 10 cm

One Step from Red Sauce: San Antonio, 1884
©2014 Dug Stanat, stoneware, 18 x 9 x 10 cm

Trip to Tikal
©2014 Dug Stanat, stoneware, 9”x6”x5”

©2014 Dug Stanat, mixed media and acrylic, 46 x 19 x 13 cm
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