Sideshow 1:2 独狼胸像 Wolf Predator Legendary Bust

 比例: 1:2  截单日期: 2016年8月8日 参考售价:4450元
 全高: 约43.2厘米  预计到货: 2017年9月

Sideshow《异形大战铁血战士2:安魂曲》(Alien vs. Predator: Requiem)1:2 独狼胸像 Wolf Predator Legendary Bust,全高17英寸(43.2厘米),限量750体,官方售价 $649.99美元/4450人民币,为Sideshow官网限定发售。

The Wolf Predator-half-bust

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (18)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (17)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (16)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (15)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (14)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (13)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (12)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (11)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (10)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (9)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (8)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (7)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (6)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (5)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (4)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (3)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (2)

The Wolf Predator-half-bust (1)

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