《铁血战士》30周年,Stan Winston工作室幕后珍贵影像

今年是《铁血战士》上映30周年,Stan Winston工作室跟大家分享了一组幕后制作的珍贵记录:

Design Maquette for the “Original” Predator

The “Original” Predator suit by Boss Film Studios

Mechanical sketches for the Boss Films Predator

Carl Weathers (wearing a prosthetic arm stump) with Jean-Claude Van Damme (wearing the “Original” Predator arm)

Sculpting Predator’s feet at Stan Winston Studio

(Left & Middle) Steve Wang sculpts muscle definition into the SWS Predator suit. (Right) Shane Mahan & John Rosengrant work on the Predator suit sculpture at Stan Winston Studio

The completed Predator body suit sculpture at Stan Winston Studio, ready for molding

A soon to be sleep-deprived Steve Wang works on design concepts for the Predator suit at Stan Winston Studio

SWS Predator team member Matt Rose takes the Predator head sculpture from rough to ready for molding

Predator crew member Michiko Tagawa works on the Predator head matrix mold at Stan Winston Studio

Steve Wang airbrushes various parts of the Predator suit

The finished shoulder cannon sculpture at Stan Winston Studio

SWS team members work on the Predator mask, cannon, & suit

Predator’s arm blades, complete and ready for installation

An early Predator sketch by Stan Winston

A series of Predator designs, rendered by Stan Winston. The last sketch most closely resembles the final creature

Two views of the Predator design maquette at SWS

Two views of the Predator design maquette at SWS

Kevin Peter Hall performs two legendary characters, Harry from Harry and the Hendersons and Predator’s alien hunter

Stan Winston Studio crew life-cast Kevin Peter Hall

An early test fitting of the Predator head and suit on Kevin Peter Hall, prior to installation of dreadlocks

Kevin Peter Hall wears his Predator contact lenses during a test fitting at Stan Winston Studio

Team Predator at Stan Winston Studio

During a break from the Predator shoot, Predator suit performer Kevin Peter Hall, and SWS team members Shane Mahan, Richard Landon, Matt Rose, Steve Wang and Shannon Shea explore the Mayan ruins in Palenque, Mexico

Part of the Predator team in Mexico (from left to right): Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver, Brian Simpson, Kevin Peter Hall, Shannon Shea, Matt Rose, Richard Landon, and Steve Wang

Arnold Schwarzenegger with a snake in the Mexican jungle on the set of Predator

SWS team Brian Simpson, Shane Mahan, Steve Wang and local crew members assist suit performer Kevin Peter Hall prior to shooting the iconic shot of Predator rising out of the water

Howard Berger and Brian Simpson suiting up actor Kevin Peter Hall as the Predator

Team Predator in Mexico

One of the Predator stunt heads on the set

Completed Predator heads, with and without the Bio-Mask

Kevin Peter Hall on a break between takes

Stan Winston and Matt Rose finish suiting up Kevin Peter Hall in Palenque, Mexico

Kevin Peter Hall as the Predator on the set in Mexico

SWS crew members Howard Berger and Shannon Shea touch up the Predator before a take

Original Predator screening, Lyric Theater, 42nd Street, New York, 1987

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